Recruitment workflow

In order to meet the needs of recruiting new forces into the company, companies rely on recruitment workflows to manage all of the processes: management of resource requests, publication of offers, collection and processing of applications, sending of candidate responses, management of CV databases, history of actions, etc.  The software for recruiting and managing candidates offered by the company KiosKemploi meet the high expectations of recruiters, particularly in terms of standardizing the recruitment stages.

How to streamline your workflow with recruitment software

The implementation of a recruitment software like that of GestMax will allow to follow the steps without hard point or break in load.

By this last term we mean an operation that would be done outside of the recruitment solution, by phone or by mail and which therefore would not be recorded in the software and would in any case take more time.

  • First point: to maintain a fluid and continuous workflow, the recruitment solution must be accessible to several categories of staff. It is not a simple software reserved for personnel of the HR function, trained and accustomed to the tool, but it is a question of allowing access to department heads, managers, leaders who will bring up the needs of the field or management. These resource requests will be validated in the solution by one or more hierarchical levels. Subsequently a recruiter takes over by opening a position, which itself will generate a standard advertisement, most of the time customizable, which will be published on the employer’s career website and on a number of external sites. always without re-entry or operation external to the software. The workflow managed by the recruitment software will considerably improve the productivity of the teams and will save time for all the personnel involved in the recruitment operations. Each actor in the process is alerted by an alert of the task which falls to him and, if necessary, reminders are programmed in case of forgetfulness.


  • The second important point is the ability of the solution to fine-tune a process by adapting to the particular cases which are numerous and to the different processes of companies which are no less so. Framing the procedures is good, it is still necessary to provide users with ease of use and comfort of use. GestMax software allows an exceptional degree of customization by sticking to our customers’ business processes.


The same workflow system is proposed for the application selection process. Applicants can go through a series of statutes triggering either actions (meeting requests for example), or by informing a new recruiter of the recruitment (such as for example the transfer of the file to an operational for opinion). The GestMax workflow makes it possible to automate a very large number of repetitive and routine tasks but its most decisive advantage undoubtedly remains that it does not forget any key stages of the process, for example the verification of the diploma or the sending a personality test. Of course, all these recruiting workflows are always completely personalized and we have taken care that they do not create rigidity: the statutes are flexible and implemented according to the customer process , even if, well Of course, our consultants are there to advise you.

The candidates themselves can benefit from a recruitment workflow: they can be informed in their candidate area of ​​the status and progress of their application. Here is a point to significantly improve the candidate experience , something to which candidates attach more and more importance!